The Qur’anic and Biblical Perspective on Muslim and Christian’s Belief in the Return of Isa (as): An Analytical Study
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Published: 15 July 2024 | Article Type : Review ArticleAbstract
Islam and Christianity are among the most admired universal religions in the world. As known by many, these two religions have different origins, owing to the fact that both of them have initially been propagated in different geographical areas, different circumstances, as well as in different times, almost six centuries apart. However, both religions possess a number of significant similarities that have been confirmed by their own Holy Scriptures, namely the Quran and the Bible. The most significant similarities may include; belief in monotheistic religion, the sovereignty of God, prophets and prophecy, Judgment day, Heaven and Hell, the birth of Isa (as), the identity of Isa (as), the second coming of Isa (as), and many more. Hence, this article will focus on a particular similarity between these two religions, which is their beliefs in the second coming of Isa (as), according to their own perceptions, in reference to the necessary reliable sources. In addition, some misconceptions of Christians about the return of Isa (as) will be examined according to the Quranic perspective.
Keywords: Qur’anic, Biblical Perspective, Return of Isa (as), Muslim, Christian’s Belief, Misconceptions of Christians.

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Article Type
Review Article
How to Cite
Moniruzzaman, Sayful Islam. (2024-07-15). "The Qur’anic and Biblical Perspective on Muslim and Christian’s Belief in the Return of Isa (as): An Analytical Study." *Volume 6*, 1, 49-58